9/23 Monday Special
9/23 8:00 AM (EST) Release!
This week, I’ve gathered carvings made from tagua nuts.
Tagua nuts, also known as “ivory palm,” derive their name from the fact that the endosperm of the seed is as hard as ivory and takes on a creamy white color that increases in luster when polished. Locally, they are referred to as “tagua nuts,” while in English-speaking countries, they are known as “ivory nuts.” When the brown outer skin of the seed is removed, a cream-colored endosperm is revealed, which is what has been used for the carvings featured here.
The warm touch of tagua nut carvings is durable, making them perfect for knobs on candy baskets!
9/23 ボストン時間 午前8:00よりアイテム閲覧可能・販売リリースとなります。
タグアナッツは別名「象牙椰子」とも呼ばれ、木の種子の胚乳が象牙のように固く、色合いも乳白色をして磨くほどに光沢を増していくことに由来しています。現地では「tagua nuts」、英語圏では「ivoly nuts」とも呼ばれます。種子の表面の茶色い皮を剥いていくとクリームがかった胚乳の部分が出てきて、それを加工したものが今回ご紹介するカービングアイテムです。
9/23 Seal FT Carving - Tagua Nuts
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